Tuesday, December 17, 2013

ALT200 and VSI200X Fully Compliant on all Tests

17-DEC-2013. We are please to announce that we have successfully completed all DO-160, AS392C, AS8009 Rev B, AS8016 Rev A and AS8003 test requirements for our new ALT200 Altimeter, VSI200 VSI and VSI200E VSI with encoder. This concludes the testing and conformance program for the TSO on each unit.

The final TSO report and all required data will be presented to Transport Canada during the first week of January 2014.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Compliant - All Environmental Tests!

10-DEC-2013. The last of the DO-160 Environmental Tests have been  successfully completed on our new Altimeter and VSI. Three electrical  tests remain to be demonstrated to Transport Canada and this will take  place on 17-DEC, as planned.

Altimeter and VSI - First Views

After almost two years of work we now have only a few TSO demonstration tests to perform and our Altimeter and VSI TSO design and test process will be complete.  We received the TSO Test Plan approval from Transport Canada in March of this year and by 17-December will have complied with all aspects.

First public video of our new ALT200 and VSI200 series instruments. We will be adding a lot more video over the next weeks detailing specifics and features!